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Please read this Terms of Use ("Terms") as it regulates your use of the ass website (the "Website") owned and / or operated by Dan Shiray. ("Dan Shiray  By using the site, you agree to these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not access or use the Website in any other way.

Ownership, Copyright and Commerce

Unless otherwise noted, all content on the site, including unlimited text, software, scripts, graphics, images, sounds, music, videos and the like (collectively, the "Materials"), word marks and design marks, as well as other names , Logos and materials displayed on the Site which are trademarks, are owned or licensed by Dan Shiray Copyright, Trademarks, and Other Intellectual Property Rights and International Laws The photographer holds the copyright to all images created during the photography and will have the exclusive right to reproduce. The photographer reserves the right to make reproductions for the client or for the photographer's portfolio, self-promotion, and entry to photo competitions or art exhibitions.

Using the Website

This site is for your personal, non-commercial use only. You can view the site and materials through your web browser solely for your information, research or research. You may not download, reproduce, transmit (including transmit) in any other way, adapt, distribute, sell, modify, frame, upload to any third party website, publish, print or otherwise, use any of the materials unless permitted by Dan Shiray Or who on his behalf and in agreement.

Artistic style

The client recognizes that he / she has viewed examples of previous work and is satisfied with the general style of photography presented. The client understands that differences in locations, themes and lighting allow variations in the "session" results. It is not known which images will be produced from this effort simply because it is a future event. The photographer reserves the right to interpret artistically how to shoot a scene. This may mean that some of the photos are colored and some may be black and white.

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